Why Short-Term Rental Hosts Should Market Listings Beyond OTA Platforms

In the bustling world of short-term rentals, relying solely on Online Travel Agency (OTA) platforms like Airbnb and VRBO can limit a property's potential. While these platforms are essential for visibility, diversifying marketing efforts through digital marketing channels can significantly enhance your return on investment (ROI). Here's a closer look at why and how you should invest in digital marketing for your rental property.

The Power of Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms, particularly Instagram, offer remarkable engagement rates that can boost your property's visibility. The average Instagram engagement rate is around 6.01%, with posts generating 1,147 engagements on average​​. Video posts, in particular, are incredibly effective, bringing in the most likes and comments​​. By creating visually appealing content that showcases your property, you can attract potential guests who are browsing these platforms.

Using hashtags strategically can also increase your posts' reach and engagement. For instance, using four hashtags can boost your engagement rate significantly​​. Tagging relevant users and using location tags can further enhance your visibility, tapping into broader audiences that are actively looking for rental properties.

The Impact of Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies. With an average return of $36 for every $1 spent, email marketing offers a high return on investment​. Effective email campaigns can achieve open rates of around 21.33% and click rates of 2.62%​.

Building a strong email list allows you to directly communicate with past guests and interested prospects. Personalized emails with special offers, updates, and local tips can encourage repeat bookings and foster loyalty. Moreover, automated email sequences can nurture leads by providing valuable information and enticing them to book directly through your website.

The Efficacy of PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is another powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal. Google Ads, for instance, offers an average ROI of 200%, meaning that for every $1 spent, you can expect to earn $2​​. These ads allow you to target specific demographics, ensuring that your property is seen by those most likely to book.

Creating compelling ad copy and utilizing high-quality images of your property can significantly improve your click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates. Retargeting campaigns can also be highly effective, reminding previous visitors to your site about your property and encouraging them to complete their booking.

Building a Direct Booking Website

A direct booking website not only saves you from OTA commission fees but also allows you to build a brand and establish a direct relationship with your guests. Optimizing your website for search engines (SEO) can increase organic traffic, making it easier for potential guests to find you.

Implementing lead funnels on your website can capture visitor information and convert them into guests. For example, offering a discount code in exchange for an email subscription can grow your email list and drive bookings. Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial, as mobile optimization can increase your chances of converting visitors into guests​.

The Role of Graphic Design

Effective graphic design enhances all aspects of digital marketing. High-quality images and well-designed visuals are essential for social media posts, email campaigns, PPC ads, and your website. Professional photography and engaging visuals can make your property stand out and attract more attention.

Graphic design also plays a crucial role in branding. Consistent and appealing branding across all marketing channels can establish a professional image and make your property more memorable to potential guests.

SEO Strategies

Implementing robust SEO strategies is vital for increasing your property's online visibility. Using relevant keywords throughout your website and content, creating high-quality blog posts about local attractions, and ensuring fast page loading speeds can all boost your search engine rankings​. Tools like Google Analytics can help you track your website's performance and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Tying Together Digital Marketing Strategies

Diversifying your marketing efforts beyond OTAs through digital marketing channels can significantly enhance your property's visibility and bookings. By leveraging social media marketing, email campaigns, PPC advertising, a direct booking website, and effective graphic design, you can create a comprehensive marketing strategy that delivers high returns on investment. Investing in these digital marketing strategies not only maximizes your reach but also builds a strong, recognizable brand that guests will return to time and again.


  1. Mailchimp Email Marketing Benchmarks

  2. WordStream Google Ads Industry Benchmarks

  3. HubSpot Marketing Statistics

  4. Backlinko Search Engine Ranking Factors

  5. Mention Instagram Engagement Report 2023


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